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South of Salisbury is a flat country that was once called Rascal Flats. How true it is we do not know but rumor says that the appellation came about this way: During the war a band of horse thieves used this as a cache of their stolen property. They operated in Iowa, Illinois, and Kansas and drove their horses in the flat for safe keeping. One time while away augmenting their stock on hand, the man who looked after the horses disappeared taking all the stolen property with him. When the other members of the band came back and found what had happened the leader is said to have exclaimed, "Well, I will brand this country Rascal Flats when one horse thief will steal from another." Various other atrocities were charged up against this community. Rev. P.M. Sears, a well known Baptist preacher who was one of the pioneers in Wayland township and who still lives there, says that during the war he was invited to hold a revival meeting in Rascal Flats. The appointment was made and he went to begin his crusade against sin. He was being entertained at the home of one of his members and he said after he had retired he heard various visitors come and all the consultations were carried on in whispers. All night the visitors came and the next morning "Uncle Pettis" as Rev. Sears is called- decided to discontinue the meeting and went home. Arriving home he told friends that he decided to leave Rascal Flats in the Lord's hands until things settled a bit. History of Chariton and Howard Counties Missouri by T. Berry Smith and Pearl Sims Gehrig. Historical Publishing Company, Topeka-Indianapolis 1923.